Every mother must teach these to her daughter before she reaches adolescent age

Adolescent age (13 to 19) or teen age is a crucial stage in the life of a daughter and parents must keep an eye on their daughter’s when they reach this teen age. The parents must teach their teen age daughters what to do and what not to do before she turns 13 for her safety and well being.

A mother must teach her adolescent or teen age daughter these without fail.

Teach them that they are equal to boys:
This is very important and every mother must teach her daughter. It must be noted that gender divide is present outside and daughters would witness this gender divide. It is important that a mother must provide equal opportunity to her daughter and must discuss how gender divide affects traditions. Mothers must make their daughters learn to value and respect each other.

Teach them to be firm and resilient:
Mother must take the responsibility to teach her daughter to be firm, resilient and make her feel that her voice would be heard. It must be taken into account that the teen age daughters must feel that they are free to express their thoughts without any restriction.

Teach them not to hesitate in saying no:
Mothers must teach their daughters to say ‘No’ and allow them to make their own choices whenever they feel uncomfortable. By this, the daughters would feel that they have power and control over things.

Teach them that body changes and puberty are normal:
Puberty have high impact on girls more than boys. A mother must make her daughter aware of the changes that take place in puberty, educate her and finally make her daughter more prepared to deal with the changes. Every mother must teach about changes in hormones, menstruation, personnel hygiene etc. It is said that books or videos etc could be used by the mothers in this aspect.

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